Why Won’t My Electric Scooter Turn On (5 Reasons + Solutions)

You might have trouble turning on your electric scooter for a few different reasons. Several of the most common causes and remedies will be explored here.

Though, if your e-scooter won’t turn on, it can be a big pain. When I had this problem with my scooter, it was difficult trying to figure out the root of the issue. After extensive research and many failed attempts, I finally found the source of the problem and fixed it.

I’ll be sharing what I learned in hopes that it will help you fix your electric scooter if it’s not working. So read on for more information!

5 Reasons Why Your Electric Scooter Won’t Turn On and How to fix it:

By testing the different components one by one, you can more easily identify which part is damaged and needs to be replaced. We will work our way up from the easiest problem to fix, gradually moving on to more difficult issues.

1. Test the Charger

Check the charger
Check the charger

Check if the charger is properly plugged in and receiving power when your electric scooter does not seem to be working. If your scooter’s battery is not charging, the voltage will not be high enough to start the scooter.

Before you attempt to turn on your electric scooter, double-check that the battery has been charged via a functional power outlet and that your scooter has been sufficiently charged. If you haven’t used your device in a while, make sure to put it on long charge for at least 5 hours.

Check the charger for damage. If there is any, it is probably preventing the flow of current. The easiest way to check if your scooter is the fault is by checking its charging voltage with a compatible charger.

2. Check the Battery

Maybe the battery's fault
Maybe the battery’s fault

In almost all situations, if your electric scooter doesn’t turn on, it is the battery’s fault. Indeed, it is essential for supplying all the electrical components and thus ensuring proper machine functioning. When it malfunctions, a machine may stop working or fail to charge.

If you’re questioning whether the issue lies with the battery or not, connect it to a different scooter or electric device that uses the same type of battery. If this new device also doesn’t work, then you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s time for a new battery.

Check if the battery is properly connected and that all terminals are clean and undamaged. If the battery is responsive, check if the motor needs replacing.

3. Check the Motor

The motor propels the scooter forward. If the electric scooter’s light turns on but the engine doesn’t start (or makes a stifled noise), then the problem is most likely with the engine.

Unfortunately, if your scooter is no longer operable following an impact, this is more likely to be the case. Next, use a multimeter set to an alternating current voltmeter to check the voltage at its terminals. If the voltage is at the right level, it will work as normal. If not, then you need to replace it.

4. Check the electrical switch

If your electric scooter does not turn on at all, there might be an issue with the On/Off switch. The switch stops the flow of electric current to the rest of the scooter when it is turned off and may be faulty if it does not work properly.

A continuity test will help you confirm this. When the multimeter is on, it should emit a beep or display a value close to zero. If it doesn’t make any noise, 1, or OL appears when stopped. If the multimeter is unresponsive or doesn’t make a sound in the on position, then you’ll need to switch it out.

5. Test the electronic card

Electronic boards, also called motherboards or power boards, are the main control panels for scooters. Control of all scooter functions is provided by the power supply management system. Electric scooters will not power on if the electronic card is not working.

Kickstands are often located next to batteries or beneath control screens on scooters. Using an AC voltmeter, compare the input and output voltage to ensure the device is working correctly. A board is operational when the voltages are even. Boards with zero, lower, or non-equivalent output voltages are likely faulty. A new, identical one will then need to be installed.

What to do if E-Scooter turns ON but is continuously slowing down?

If you notice your electric scooter’s trips are shorter than usual or it stops working on flat roads, this means the batteries need to be replaced. The good news is, there’s a solution.

How to fix underperforming batteries:

The only way to fix this is by replacing the old batteries with new ones. Since your battery’s lifespan is almost up, it would be best to get a new one to prevent any issues. If you can’t replace your battery yet, here are some tips that will help prolong its lifespan. Firstly, make sure you don’t undercharge it. Secondly, avoid overcharging the battery as well.


E-scooter issues can be a major pain, especially when you’re least expecting them. Many of these issues can be resolved without the help of a professional. However, if the problem does not go away, you should always ask an electric scooter specialist to take a look and fix it.

To prevent most e-scooter problems, regularly check and clean your scooter before and after riding. We hope you found this guide helpful and that it will save you time, money, and stress in the future!

Happy Riding!


Can the fault in the electric scooter’s BMS board and fuse be a reason that it doesn’t turn ON?

The BMS board or fuse might be the reason your electric scooter isn’t working. If the BMS isn’t working, it can’t manage the battery power correctly, which might not give the scooter enough power to function. If the BMS and fuse appear to be working, it’s probably another issue causing your scooter not to turn ON.

My electric scooter was standing all night in the rain and now it doesn’t turn ON. Why?

The problem might be that the battery is full of water. Try charging it and see if it solves the issue. If not, you will need to replace the battery as continuing to use it may cause further damage.

How does the electric scooter’s reset button help in the function it properly?

On the left side of the battery box, there is a reset button that can be used to turn off the power to prevent motor overload. Overloading, steep incline, or too much weight could have caused the motor to overheat and trip the breaker.

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