How To Transport An Electric Scooter? The Ultimate Guide

Some people choose to use electric scooters even if they can walk around independently. They can enjoy more and travel to more leisurely locations if they are not overly exhausted. Electric scooters should obviously be able to travel everywhere you wish to use them. 

Therefore, how do you transport electric scooters? Electric scooter transportation might be challenging, but there are a variety of user-friendly choices that can help you transport your scooter. There are options available, whether you require a hitch-mount lift or assistance fitting your electric motorcycle into your car.

This article will examine the various ways that electric scooters can be transported. To help you make a decision armed with more knowledge, we’ll also address some queries concerning using an electric scooter.

3 Best Ways To Transport an electric scooter:

There are a few different ways that you can transport your electric scooter, depending on your needs.

1. By Car:

Transport Electric Scooter by Car
Transport Electric Scooter by Car

If you’re taking your electric scooter on a road trip or just want to store it away in your garage, the most convenient way to transport it is by car. Your trunk must, however, be somewhat spacious. A typical scooter is 19 to 22 inches long and 19.5 to 23.5 inches wide. Since you should fold your scooter before attempting to put it in your car trunk, this size does not consider height. 

Your scooter should fit well within the normal automobile trunk, which is 72.5 inches (184 cm) wide. You may even plan and pack more luggage. Securely strap down your scooter when transporting it to prevent it from moving. The scooter can be secured to the car with a ratchet strap or Bungee cord.

2. By Plane:

When traveling by plane with an electric scooter, it’s wise to disassemble the scooter and pack it in a hard-sided case. This will protect the scooter from damage during transport. You’ll also need to check with your airline to see if they have any restrictions on bringing electric scooters on board.

3. By Train:

If you’re taking your electric scooter on a train, you’ll need to ensure that it’s securely fastened to a luggage rack. You can use a strap or rope to tie down your scooter. It’s also smart to cover your scooter with a blanket or tarp to protect it from dirt and dust.

How to transport a scooter with a car?

Transporting a scooter with a car is relatively easy as long as you have the proper equipment. You will need to follow these steps:

1. Disassemble the scooter:

Before transporting dissamble all parts of electric scooter
Before transporting dissemble all parts of electric scooter

You will need to remove the battery and any other removable parts from the scooter. This will make the scooter lighter and easier to transport.

2. Loading Your Scooter onto the Vehicle:

The first step is to load your scooter onto the vehicle. If you’re using a car, you’ll want to put the scooter in the trunk. Make sure the scooter is secure and won’t move during transport. You don’t want it sliding around and getting damaged.

3. Securing the Scooter for Transport:

Once the scooter is loaded into the vehicle, you’ll need to secure it for transport. If possible, use straps or bungee cords to attach the scooter to something in the vehicle so it can’t move around. This will help protect it from bumps and jostles while you’re driving. If you can’t secure the scooter, make sure it’s positioned in a way that it won’t tip over during transport. 

4. Preparing for Arrival:

When you arrive at your destination, take a few moments to inspect your scooter for any damage that may have occurred during transport. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Once you’ve inspected your scooter and found no damage, you’re ready to enjoy your ride!

How do you transport an electric scooter on a bus?

Buses allow access to foldable electric scooters. For safety purposes, fasten your scooter with straps to the bus seat or floor.

To make it as simple for you to exit the bus, the driver will make a stop as close as possible to where you’re going.

Electric scooters that fold up and can be stored on long-distance buses.

Some people with disabilities prefer to use an electric mobility scooter because it gives them more independence. But these scooters can be difficult to store on a bus.

The most efficient way to transport an electric scooter on a bus is to collapse it and store it in the luggage area. Many electric scooters can be folded, so this should not be a problem. If your electric scooter cannot be folded, you may need to use the ramp or lift to get it on the bus.

When using the ramp or lift, secure your scooter with straps or bungee cords. This will prevent it from moving around during transport. If you need assistance, the bus driver will be happy to help you. Just let them know what you need and they will be happy to help.


Getting around town is easy with electric scooters. But if you need to transport your scooter, it’s imperative to do so safely. There are a variety of methods you can use to transport your scooter. The most appropriate method includes transporting by car, bus, and train. 

However, it will depend on the type of scooter you have and how far you’re shipping it. But no matter what method you use, make sure the scooter is securely fastened down so it doesn’t get damaged during transport.


Can you transport an electric scooter on its side?

Yes, you can transport an electric scooter on its side. However, it’s extremely crucial to make sure the scooter is securely strapped down so it doesn’t tip over during transport.

Is it possible to put an electric scooter in a car trunk?

Yes, you can put an electric scooter in a car trunk. Just make sure the scooter is secure and won’t slide around during transport.

How much does it cost to ship an electric scooter?

The cost of shipping an electric scooter will vary depending on the size and weight of the scooter, as well as the distance it needs to be shipped.

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