How Long Do Electric Scooters Last?

Are you thinking to buy an electric scooter but are not sure how long it will last? Well, the lifespan of an e-scooter depends on various factors. 

For me, the lifespan is how long an electric scooter works smoothly without any first discrepancy. This means the life should be calculated from the day you bought the e-scooter up to the day when its first part is broken or damaged. 

So, how long do electric scooters last? The life of an electric scooter is 3 to 5 years on average, depending on its quality, how often it’s used, and how well it’s maintained.

Cheap electric scooters usually last for a couple of years because they’re made with low-quality materials. More expensive electric scooters usually last longer because they’re made with higher-quality materials and they’re typically built to be more durable.

It’s important to keep in mind that even high-quality electric scooters won’t last forever. They’ll eventually need to be replaced after a certain number of years. But if you take care of your electric scooter and use it sparingly, it can potentially last for up to 10 years.

Further in this article, you will get a deeper insight into the factors that play a role in an electric scooter’s lasting period and how you can improve the lifespan of your electric scooter. 

The Best Ways To Prolong The Lifespan Of Electric Scooters

1. Gentle Usage

Electric scooters are fantastic for traveling, but they need to be treated gently. If you use them roughly then the batteries will wear out quickly and become very inefficient which means that less power is available when riding.

Your best bet? Be patient always start off easy so your machine has time to build back its strength.

2. Components of the Scooter

The longevity of your electric scooter is dependent on many things, including its internal parts. If you have any damage to these crucial components then it will affect the overall performance. This means that if something breaks or malfunctions soon after purchase there could be big problems down the line.

3. Use in Limits

Like any vehicle, the e-scooter has its programmed limits. This means that you should never try to get more performance out of it than what’s been set in stone by manufacturer specifications. If you exceed usage limits,  this will only wear down your components and reduce their lifespan.

4. Rides in the rain should be limited

We all know that riding an e-scooter in the rain can be really slippery and dangerous. When it rains or snows, e-scooters can become very unstable because of water absorption. You should avoid riding in these kinds of conditions to prevent damage from occurring on your electric scooter.

3 Factors That Decrease the Lifetime of Electric Scooters

1. Lack of proper maintenance

The lack of proper maintenance contributes to the short life of electric scooters. Just like any other vehicle, electric scooters need to be regularly serviced and maintained in order to keep them running smoothly and efficiently. 

Without regular maintenance, electric scooters can start to experience all sorts of problems that will gradually shorten their lifespan.

2. Frequent use in extreme conditions

Another factor that can decrease the lifetime of electric scooters is frequent use in extreme conditions. Whether it’s riding in extremely hot or cold weather or using the scooter on tough terrain, all of these things can put a lot of strain on the scooter and cause it to break down more quickly.

3. Poor quality components

Poor-quality components are another reason why electric scooters tend to have shorter lives. Inferior materials and components are more likely to fail or break down over time, which can lead to big problems for the scooter.

Bottom Line: If you want your electric scooter to last as long as possible, it’s important to be aware of these three factors that can decrease its lifespan. By taking good care of your scooter and using it sparingly in extreme conditions, you can help ensure that it has a long and happy life.

Tips to Increase the Performance and Life of the Electric Scooter

Keep Escooter clean

1. Check The Battery Regularly

Checking your electric scooter’s battery regularly is one of the best ways to extend its life. Make sure to clean the terminals and keep them free of corrosion. Additionally, check the fluid levels and top off as needed.

2. Weekly or Monthly Inspection

Another way to increase the performance and life of your electric scooter is to keep inspecting the scooter. You can make a schedule of inspections and perform them properly. 

3. Follow The Manufacturer’s Recommendations

One of the best ways to ensure longevity for your electric scooter is to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. This includes everything from proper charging to regular maintenance. Read the instruction guides and follow them strictly. 

4. Store It Properly

When you’re not using your electric scooter, be sure to store it in a dry and protected area. This will help to keep the battery in good condition and prevent any damage from weather or other elements.

5. Invest in a Good Quality Scooter

Cheap knockoffs may seem like a good deal at first, but they don’t last as long and don’t perform as well as name-brand products. Investing a little more upfront can pay off in the long run.

Electric Scooter Parts That Tend to Break

According to my experience and the rider’s review, a few parts of the electric scooter tend to break early. So make sure while buying an electric scooter you take a look at those parts thoroughly. Check their quality and durability. 

Here is the list of parts that may tend to break:


Battery replacement

The average lifespan of a scooter battery is about two years, but they can start to degrade much sooner. The battery in your scooter may need to be replaced if it’s not holding a charge as well as it once did.


The motor is one of the most expensive parts of a scooter, and it’s also one of the most likely to break. There’s a good chance the motor in your scooter has failed if it’s making strange noises or not running as smoothly as it used to.


Tires are one of the most common problems with electric scooters, and they can be caused by anything from a sharp object puncturing the tire to simply wearing out from use. If you find yourself getting flats frequently, it’s probably time to invest in some new tires.


Scooter brakes can wear out quickly if they’re not properly maintained, so it’s important to check them regularly. If you notice your scooter taking longer to stop than it used to, or if the brakes are making strange noises, it’s time for a brake job.


The controller is responsible for regulating the power going to the motor, and it can be one of the most expensive parts of a scooter to replace. If your scooter suddenly starts acting erratically, it’s likely that the controller is to blame.


The charger is what keeps your scooter’s battery topped off, and it can eventually wear out from use. You might need to replace your scooter’s charger if it isn’t taking a charge well anymore.


The deck is the platform you stand on when riding your scooter, which eventually cracks or breaks. 


The last point to keep in mind is that electric scooters are long-lasting if properly maintained. The lifespan of an electric scooter depends on how often we use our e-scooter, but there is no doubt in my mind that with some regular maintenance it will keep running smoothly.

In the worst scenario, if you neglect safety measures and don’t follow maintenance checks your scooter might end up in bad conditions. So, I would suggest you perform at least monthly checks and inspect the electric scooter frequently. 

People also ask

How many miles does an electric scooter last?

An electric scooter should last for around 10-15 miles per charge. Several factors affect how far a scooter can travel, such as how often it is ridden, how steep the terrain is, etc.

How many hours do electric scooters last?

If you are using a lithium battery, your electric scooter could last up to about 6 hours. But, if we see for an average, then the electric scooter could last for about 1-2 hours easily if the battery is fully charged.

Do electric scooters break easily?

No, electric scooters don’t break, electric scooters can last for a very long time if they are properly taken care of. Electric scooters can only break fully if their frame is not that strong, but in most cases, it is built strong enough to bear the roughness that they could go through while your ride. 

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