How Long Do Electric Scooter Batteries Last?

If you’re thinking about getting an electric scooter, one of the things you’re probably wondering is how long the battery will last. Find out what factors affect electric scooter battery life and how you can extend it.

How long do electric scooter batteries last? The normal battery life of an electric scooter is between 2 and 3 years, or 300 to 500 full charge cycles, whichever comes first. After 200–300 charge cycles, you can anticipate that battery performance would start to deteriorate. Batteries of lower quality can last for less than a year, while high-quality batteries can last up to five years. The battery’s lifespan is increased with responsible use.

In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about electric scooter batteries, including how long they last, what affects their lifespan, and how to extend the life of your battery. 

7 Factors Affect The Battery Life Of Electric Scooters:

Escooter batteries

Charge Cycle

The number of charge cycles is the most important factor in determining how long your battery will last. A charge cycle means using up 100% of your battery’s power and then recharging it back to 100%. So, if you use 50% of your battery’s power and then recharge it, that counts as half of a charge cycle.

The average battery will last for 300 to 500 full charge cycles, which is two to three years of normal use. Several factors can affect how many charge cycles are needed:

  • The quality of the battery
  • How often do you use your scooter
  • How do you store your scooter
  • The weather conditions

Age of Battery

The age of your battery is the second most crucial element. The capacity of all batteries decreases over time, and electric scooter batteries are no exception. Your battery’s power will decrease as it gets older. As batteries get older, they also tend to heat more, which can shorten their lifespan. To guarantee you get the maximum performance out of your scooter, it’s a good idea to swap out an old battery with a new one.

Battery Infographics

Riding Habits

Your riding habits will affect how often you need to charge your battery and, as a result, the lifespan of your battery. If you frequently ride your electric scooter for long distances, you will need to charge it more frequently than someone who only uses their scooter for short trips.

Similarly, if you frequently ride in stop-and-go traffic, your battery will also need to be charged more often than someone who rides on open roads.


It’s crucial to monitor your battery life when riding your scooter in hot weather to prevent it from dying when you need it most and leaving you stranded.

Any rechargeable battery, whether lithium-ion or another kind, can overheat and experience voltage drops that are too great to be useful. The scooter will abruptly cut out if this occurs while you are riding, leaving you without warning or control over speed. High outdoor temperatures can cause batteries to become extremely hot inside for extended periods indoors, which can cause this rapid loss of power.

Fortunately, there are several steps you may do to prevent this. The removable battery pack should always be removed from your scooter and kept in a cool location whenever you aren’t going to use it for an extended period.

It’s crucial to keep a close check on external temperatures, particularly if you know they’ll be high while you’re planning a ride outdoors. To ensure everyone’s safety and comfort while traveling, it is important to check weather forecasts before leaving the house with children or pets.


Although it may be tempting to leave your electric scooter out in the rain or snow, this is one of the quickest ways to shorten the lifespan of your battery. Batteries are delicate, and they need to be stored in a cool, dry place when they’re not in use.

The Most Efficient Ways To Charge Electric Scooter Batteries:

Escooter open deck

To extend the lifespan of your electric scooter battery, it’s important to charge it correctly. Here are a few tips:

  • Always use the charger that came with your scooter.
  • Don’t leave your battery charging for longer than necessary.
  • Avoid charging your battery in hot or humid conditions.
  • Never charge your battery immediately after riding. Let it cool down first.


Electric scooter batteries are a major component of the vehicle and need to be well-maintained to ensure a long lifespan. As with any battery, there are ways to help extend its life. 

We have discussed a few of those ways here, but always consult your scooter’s manual for specific instructions. Follow the above-mentioned tips and you should be able to get many years of use out of your scooter battery!


How often should I charge my electric scooter battery?

It’s best to charge your battery after every ride, or at least once a week. However, if you only use your scooter occasionally, you can get away with charging it once a month.

How long does it take to charge an electric scooter battery?

It usually takes 4-6 hours to charge an electric scooter battery.

How do I know if my scooter battery is defective?

The age of your battery and how frequently you use it are just two of the numerous variables that might impact how well your e-scooter works. We advise getting in touch with the maker or store if you’re experiencing issues with your scooter or e-bike that you suspect might be battery-related.

What are the consequences of not charging my electric scooter battery?

Your scooter will gradually lose power and eventually stop working altogether. Additionally, not charging your battery can shorten its lifespan.

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