Gotrax Scooter Speed Limiter Removal – Unlock Max. Potential

What if you could take your Gotrax GXL V2 scooter and make it go even faster? It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but with a few simple tweaks, you can do exactly that! 

Gotrax scooters are taking the world by storm. With a sleek design, powerful motor, and top-notch safety features, they are quickly becoming the go-to choice for commuters and recreational riders alike. 

Many riders, however, have found the speed limiters on the GXL V2 to be restrictive and have sought to remove them to enjoy the full power of their scooter. Gotrax scooter speed limiter removal can customize your Gotrax scooter to reach the speeds you desire, giving you the freedom to go wherever you want.

Is there any way to make my Gotrax scooter faster as mentioned by the manufacturer?

The short answer is no, there is no formal process to make your Gotrax scooter faster. However, there are some modifications you can make to try and increase the speed of your scooter.

Unfortunately, these modifications can be costly and require a certain level of technical expertise and knowledge. Also, because the manufacturer did not design the scooter to be faster, they are basically against any modifications and advice against them. This means that any modifications you make to your scooter could void your warranty and make any claim for repair or replacement invalid. Even Gotrax themselves have commented about not recommending altering it in a Reddit post. 

It is also important to remember that if you make your Gotrax scooter faster, you need to be very careful when driving it. Scooters are not designed to go at high speeds, and if you are riding your scooter at a faster speed than recommended then you could be putting yourself and others at risk. As a general and popular proverb defines, “Speed thrills but can also kill.” 

How to modify the scooter to remove the speed limit or faster the Gotrax bike? Gotrax GXL V2 speed hack!

The Gotrax scooter has a speed limiter set at 15 mph. This speed limit is there for safety reasons and is intended to prevent the scooter from going too fast and endangering its rider. However, many people want more speed, and one way to achieve that is to remove the speed limiter. 

To remove the speed limit or make the Gotrax bike go faster, it is necessary to modify the scooter’s different parts:

1. Buy another battery:

This is a fairly simple process- the second battery is wired in parallel with the existing battery, allowing for twice the amount of power to be delivered to the motor. This will effectively remove the motor speed limiter, allowing you to travel at higher speeds. 

However, this will also reduce the range of the scooter, as the second battery will draw more power. It is also important to ensure that the wiring is done properly, as incorrect wiring can lead to dangerous consequences and the second battery should be of the corresponding Gotrax model.

2. Changing the tires:

Changing the tires

Changing the tires on a Gotrax Electric Scooter can significantly impact the speed of the scooter. Generally, tires with a higher tread pattern will provide better traction and grip, thereby reducing the risk of slipping and increasing the acceleration of the scooter.

Furthermore, tires with a higher air pressure rating will provide less rolling resistance and therefore allow the scooter to move faster. Tires with a higher tread pattern also tend to provide better shock absorption and cushioning capabilities, which can help reduce the amount of energy lost when riding over uneven surfaces. This in turn can help increase the top speed of the scooter.

In addition, changing the tires can also affect the weight of the scooter. Heavier tires tend to slow the scooter down, whereas lighter tires can allow the scooter to move faster. Furthermore, tires that are too wide or too narrow can also reduce the speed of the scooter, as they will make it harder for the scooter to move forward with as much force as possible. Finally, the type of tire chosen can also impact the speed of the scooter.

A tire designed for off-road use, such as an all-terrain tire, may offer increased grip and traction on uneven surfaces, but may also reduce the speed of the scooter on smoother surfaces. Conversely, a tire designed for on-road use, such as a slick tire, may provide better grip and traction on smoother surfaces, but may also reduce the speed of the scooter on uneven surfaces.

In terms of type, solid tires are much heavier than pneumatic tires and can cause the scooter to be less responsive when turning and can cause it to slow down. Pneumatic tires, on the other hand, are much lighter than solid tires, allowing the scooter to accelerate faster. This also helps with turning and maneuverability.

Test results have shown that pneumatic tires outperform solid tires by up to 4mph in some cases. Additionally, pneumatic tires can be inflated to different pressures to provide even more speed (up to 8mph) when needed.

3. A bigger charge controller:

It is also possible to increase the speed of a Gotrax scooter to get a bigger controller. A bigger controller can increase the battery discharge rate which can result in a faster scooter. The discharge rate can vary from a dozen of amperes to a score may be.

 However, it’s important to note that increasing the battery discharge rate can also decrease the battery life, so it’s important to consider this before making any changes.

4. Swap the Battery Management System (BMS): 

Swap the Battery Management System

The BMS is responsible for regulating the speed and performance of your e-bike. It is designed to prevent overcharging and undercharging of the battery, as well as other safety measures. By swapping the stock BMS with a new one, you can get rid of the speed limiters and get more speed out of your scooter.

When you upgrade the BMS, you’ll get less resistance:

As, P =(V*V)/R

The above expression shows that power and resistance are inversely proportional. So, when the resistance gets less it will lead to more power, which will make your scooter go faster. Depending on the model of your scooter, you could get speeds of up to 30-35 km/h.

To begin, you’ll need to choose the right BMS for your scooter. Once you’ve chosen the right BMS, you’ll need to disconnect the old BMS and install the new one.

5. Sprockets Change:

Fortunately, there are a few ways to remove or adjust your scooter speed limiter. One of the simplest and most cost-effective ways is to change or replace the sprockets on your scooter. When done correctly, this can remove all resistance and allow your scooter to reach higher speeds. If you’re looking to take your speed to the next level, this is an ideal solution. 

If you’re dealing with an older Gotrax scooter, you may need to change or renovate the sprockets to make sure they’re up to the task. This may involve sanding or grinding them down and then spraying them with oil. Proper and efficient performance of the sprockets will be ensured by this.

6. Parts or Accessories Maintenance:

You should also make sure that your Gotrax scooter’s parts and accessories are properly maintained to improve its speed limit. This includes regularly inspecting the scooter for signs of wear and tear and making sure that all parts are in working order. Proper maintenance not only extends the life of your scooter but also improves its speed potential. Every single part is equally important when it comes to maximizing your scooter’s performance.

Gotrax speed limiter removal risks:

Removing a speed limiter from your Gotrax electric bike can be a risky process, and can have serious negative consequences. The first and most obvious is that your warranty will be voided. This means that if you experience any issues with your scooter due to the removal of the speed limiter, you will not be able to have it repaired by the manufacturer.

In addition, removing a speed limiter can also damage the inner components of your electric scooter. This could lead to an overall decrease in the lifetime of your scooter, as well as decreased performance.

The speed limiter also exists to ensure your safety and the safety of others. If you remove the speed limiter, you are more likely to go faster than the manufacturer designed it to go. This could result in an accident or injury.

It is important to note that you should only remove the speed limiter if you are an experienced rider and know that you can handle the extra speed. You should also check with a professional 

to make sure it is done correctly and safely.

Over To You!

In conclusion, Gotrax GXL V2 Speed Hack is a great way to increase the speed and overall performance of your Gotrax scooter. This speed limiter removal hack will allow you to unlock the full potential of your Gotrax scooter and make it a whole new experience. 

However, it’s important to note that tampering with the speed limiter can have safety implications, so it’s important to ensure that you are aware of the risks before attempting to remove them. If you do decide to go ahead and remove the speed limiter, it’s advised to follow all safety precautions and adhere to all local speed regulations.


Does a Gotrax scooter have a governor on it?

Yes, a Gotrax scooter does have a governor on it. The governor helps to limit the speed of the scooter and prevent it from going too quickly, making it safer and easier to control.

Is Gotrax Scooter Speed Limiter Removal safe?

Yes, Gotrax Scooter Speed Limiter Removal (Gotrax GXLl v2 speed hack) is safe to use. However, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and use the hack responsibly and the rider must wear all necessary safety gear when using the Gotrax GXL V2 Speed Hack.

Is Gotrax Scooter Speed Limiter Removal legal?

In most countries, Gotrax Scooter Speed Limiter Removal is not illegal. The hack should, nevertheless, be used only in accordance with local laws and regulations.

Which speed hack do you recommend for Gotrax GXL v2?

The best way to hack the speed of the Gotrax Gxl V2 is to upgrade the electrical components, including the engine, ESC, and battery. By upgrading to advanced components, you can actually improve the speed of the scooter. Additionally, you can also adjust the settings to increase the acceleration and top speed of the scooter as well.

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