Electric Scooter Won’t Accelerate (6 Common Problems + Solutions!)

If your electric scooter won’t accelerate, it can be a frustrating experience. You may be late for an appointment or miss out on a fun activity with friends. While it’s tempting to just give up and go back to walking, there are a few things you can try to get your scooter moving fast again.

The few common reasons for electric scooters not accelerating include damaged throttle, loose connection, improper setting, slow speed mode, etc.

Electric scooters are rapidly gaining popularity around 5 million units of electric scooters were sold in 2018 and only the Asia Pacific eScooter market will reach USD 26.25 billion by 2030, which itself tells about the popularity.

Why is my electric scooter going slow? 6 Common Problems

Here we’ll take a detailed look at the potential causes of why your electric scooter isn’t accelerating. We’ll also provide some tips on how to fix it.

1. Damaged or Dead zone Throttle

Throttle might become damaged

A damaged throttle is one of the most common problems, which can slow down or stop the scooter from working.

There are a few different reasons why a throttle might become damaged. A common cause is a contact with water. If the scooter gets wet, the throttle can become corroded or jammed. A frayed or broken throttle cable is another possibility.

If your scooter shows a dead zone or is damaged, you have no choice but to replace it with a functional one.

Thankfully, there’s an easy fix for a dead zone throttle, simply replace it with a new one. Most newer scooters have a plug-and-play throttle, so it’s a fairly seamless process. And if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, any reputable scooter shop should be able to do it for you.

2. Old, worn out, or defective battery pack

Unfortunately, this can happen if your battery pack or speed controller is old, worn out, or defective.

Speed controllers regulate the flow of electricity between your battery and motor. When the voltage of the battery or battery pack reaches a certain point, most controllers have a “cut-off” function that shuts off the motor. The purpose of this is to prevent the battery from being completely drained.

However, if the controller is old or worn out, this cut-off function may not work properly. As a result, the motor can keep running even when the battery is about to drain, which can cause the scooter to not accelerate.

3. Loose connection

Loose connection or an unplugged wire on the controller

If your electric scooter won’t accelerate, it could be due to a loose connection or an unplugged wire on the controller.

Check the controller first to see if anything is loose or unplugged. You may need to replug a wire or tighten a connection. If that doesn’t fix the problem, then it could be an issue with the battery. Try charging the battery overnight and see if that makes a difference. If not, then you may need to replace the battery.

If you find any loose connections or unplugged wires, gently reattach or reconnect them. Then try to start your electric scooter again. You may need professional assistance if it doesn’t accelerate after a few attempts.

4. Improper P-Settings

There are a few things that can cause your scooter to not accelerate properly, but one of the most common is improper P-settings.

P-settings are the settings that control how your scooter acceleration works. If they’re not set properly, your scooter can have all sorts of problems, including not accelerating properly.

Fortunately, there’s an easy fix for this. It’s as simple as going into the Parameter Settings menu and activating “Soft Start”. This will ensure that your scooter’s acceleration is smooth and not jerky.

If your scooter still isn’t accelerating properly after doing this, then you may need to follow the default P-settings from the manual. But in most cases, activating the Soft Start feature will do the trick and get your scooter accelerating properly again.

5. The cut-off voltage has kicked in

If you’re having trouble with your electric scooter not accelerating, it might be because the cut-off voltage has kicked in.

The majority of scooters today have a voltage cutoff that ensures that you don’t ride past a certain voltage. The battery is protected by this measure to prevent abuse. Consequently, the battery can be charged multiple times.

Use a multimeter to measure the voltage percentage of your scooter’s battery after charging to determine if the cut-off voltage is the problem. It is recommended that the voltage of the battery be between 80-100% if the battery is in good condition. A voltage lower than this may indicate that the battery cells are defective. In this case, make sure they are replaced.

A defective battery can make riding an electric scooter dangerous. To make sure your battery is working properly, always check its voltage before riding.

6. Slow-speed mode

One possibility is that your scooter is in slow-speed mode. If your electric scooter is not accelerating as you would like, it may be due to the slow speed mode that your scooter is currently in.

All you have to do is press the fast speed button. This will instantly increase the speed of your scooter, allowing you to continue on your journey without any further delay.

How to fix electric scooter throttle?

Electric scooter throttles can be a pain to deal with. The good news is that you can fix them with a few simple steps.

If you’re having trouble with your electric scooter’s throttle, here are some things you can try to fix it. First, you’ll want to determine if there is a voltage drop. This can be done by checking the battery with a voltmeter. If the battery is showing a lower voltage than it should be, there is likely a voltage drop.

Next, you’ll want to keep charging the battery. This can be done by charging it for a longer period than usual. If the battery is still not holding a charge after being deeply charged, the battery charger port may be the issue. You can test this by checking the port with a multimeter.

The charger is likely causing the low voltage if the port shows a lower voltage than it should. You can test the charger by plugging it into a different outlet and seeing if the voltage is still low. If the voltage is still low, it’s possible that the charger is faulty and will need to be replaced.

A normal voltage battery could also be causing throttle issues if the scooter has a normal voltage battery but still has trouble with the throttle. You can test the battery’s voltage with a multimeter. If the voltage is low, it’s likely that the battery is the issue and will need to be replaced.

It’s best to bring your e-scooter to the service center or e-scooter repair shop near you if you don’t know how to check the parts mentioned above or if you do not have a multimeter for voltage checking.

How to replace an electric scooter throttle?

Replace an electric scooter throttle

In most cases, a damaged throttle can be fixed relatively easily. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. You’ll need to purchase a replacement throttle. The process of replacing the throttle varies from one model to the other, so be sure to consult your scooter’s manual or an online forum for specific instructions.

2. Once you have the new throttle, it’s time to disconnect the old one. This usually involves cutting the wires that come from the controller.

3. Soldering the wires together is usually the next step in connecting the new throttle to the controller.

4. In closing, test out the new throttle to make sure it’s working properly. Once you’re satisfied, you can put your scooter back together and enjoy the ride!

Xiaomi electric scooter won’t accelerate:

You may find that your Xiaomi scooter isn’t accelerating as quickly as it should be, and this can be due to a few different factors.

One possibility is that your battery is weak. If you’ve been using your scooter regularly, the battery may simply need to be replaced. Another possibility is that your scooter is in ECO mode, which conserves power and is designed for longer rides. By pressing the power button for 3 seconds, you can turn off the ECO mode.

Wear on your tires is another possibility. Consequently, your scooter may lose traction and become difficult to accelerate. If your tires are worn down, you may need to replace them.

The last possibility is that a firmware bug or a security update has automatically clamped your scooter. This can happen with any electronic device, and unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about it other than wait for a fix from the manufacturer.

In case you still have problems, you should contact Xiaomi customer service. They will be able to troubleshoot the issue and get your scooter running again.


Electric scooters are great fun and convenient, but it’s important to keep them in top condition. If your electric scooter isn’t properly accelerating, it could be due to several issues such as a weak battery, ECO mode being on, worn tires, or even a firmware bug. 

The above-mentioned instructions will assist you in troubleshooting the issue and getting your scooter back in working order.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to take regular breaks and check the key parts of your scooter such as battery voltage and throttle wiring to make sure everything is working correctly. 

With proper care, your electric scooter should provide you with transportation and entertainment for years to come!


What is the maximum speed of a Xiaomi electric scooter?

The Xiaomi electric scooter has a maximum speed of 25 km/h. You cannot go beyond this speed as it is programmed to automatically slow down if you go beyond this speed.

How much does it cost to replace an electric scooter throttle?

It usually costs around $25-$30 to purchase a replacement throttle for an electric scooter. However, installation costs can vary depending on the specific model of your scooter and the skills of the person doing the work.

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