7 Electric Scooter Riding Mistakes

Are you a passionate electric scooter rider? If so, you know that it’s one of the most exciting and fun activities out there. You should also remember that riding an electric scooter does come with risks, and you should avoid making these common mistakes.

I am a keen electric scooter user and can relate to the importance of safety. I can shed light on the common mistakes people make while riding electric scooters and give tips on how to prevent them.

We will cover topics such as proper helmet usage, understanding traffic laws, and maintaining proper speed and balance. 

7 Common Electric Scooter Riding Mistakes!

Opting for an electric scooter provides both security and enjoyment. Neglecting safety measures can result in hazardous situations. Consequently, it is vital to be familiar with the most frequent electric scooter riding mistakes to guarantee your well-being.

1. Not Wearing Protective Gear

To stay safe, it is important to wear the correct protective gear when riding an electric scooter

To stay safe, it is important to wear the correct protective gear when riding an electric scooter. I have seen the consequences of not wearing the necessary safety measures, so it’s not worth the risk.

According to a study by the American Journal of Emergency Medicine, the number of scooter-related injuries has increased almost five-fold since 2014, with head and facial injuries making up more than half of the total number of injuries. 

Wearing a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads can reduce the risk of serious injury in case of an accident or a fall. Additionally, its significance is paramount to wear comfortable, appropriate clothing and footwear that won’t get caught up in the wheels.

2. Not Obeying Traffic Laws

Ignorance and disdain towards the laws of the road are significant issues when it comes to electric scooter riders

Ignorance and disdain towards the laws of the road are significant issues when it comes to electric scooter riders. To ensure the safety of riders, it is essential that they are aware of the rules and regulations of the road and strictly abide by them. 

This includes staying in designated bike lanes, avoiding sidewalks, and riding in the direction of traffic. Failure to do so can result in severe injuries, fines, and other penalties. It is worth noting that e-scooter riders are three times more likely to be involved in an accident than cyclists. 

Therefore, riders must understand and obey all traffic laws, such as stop signs and red lights and yield to pedestrians. 

Unfortunately, many riders ignore these regulations, leading to dangerous situations and serious accidents. By prioritizing security and obeying traffic laws, riders can minimize the risk of accidents and create a safer environment for themselves and others on the road.

3. Not Knowing Your Battery Capacity

Not Knowing Your Battery Capacity is common electric scooter riding mistake

If you are not aware of the capacity and range of your scooter, you can easily make the mistake of overestimating how far you can travel before your battery needs to be recharged. Not understanding your electric scooter’s battery capacity can lead to a dangerous situation. If you don’t have enough charge, you could be left stranded in the middle of your ride.

Knowing the capacity and range of your electric scooter is essential to prevent this from happening. Generally, electric scooters are designed with a battery capacity ranging from 8-40 miles on a single charge, depending on the model and size of the battery.

Keeping track of the battery charge before and during your ride is vital to ensure that you arrive at your destination safely.

4. Not Checking Your Brakes

Electric scooter riders must ensure their scooter's brakes are functioning properly to guarantee their safety and that of others.

Electric scooter riders must ensure their scooter’s brakes are functioning properly to guarantee their safety and that of others. The brakes are crucial in stopping the vehicle quickly and preventing hazardous situations. 

Neglecting to check the brakes before using the scooter can result in accidents due to faulty brakes or a lack of knowledge on how to use them effectively. Therefore, it is the rider’s responsibility to inspect the brakes and make sure they are in good working condition before starting any ride. 

In addition to checking the brakes, riders should also wear appropriate safety gear, such as helmets and reflective clothing, and follow traffic rules and regulations. 

It is also a good idea to practice riding in a safe and controlled environment before venturing out into busy streets or crowded areas. By being proactive and responsible, riders can ensure their safety and enjoy the convenience and fun of electric scooters.

5. Riding Too Fast

Riding electric scooter too fast is dangerous

I found it quite dangerous to ride an electric scooter too fast based on my own experience. When I rode it at a high speed, I lost control, which led to crashes.

To avoid accidents while riding an electric scooter, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the laws in your area. Many jurisdictions have laws that limit the speed of electric scooters, and it’s crucial to stay within these limits. Typically, speed limits for electric scooters range from 15-20 mph.

It’s also essential to remain alert and watch for obstacles in your path. According to surveys and statistics, the most common type of electric scooter accident is due to riders going too fast and losing control.

Remember that accidents caused by excessive speed can lead to serious injuries. It’s crucial to ride safely and be mindful of speed limits to prevent crashes.

6. Riding Under the Influence

Operating an electric scooter while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol can be a very dangerous activity and can result in serious accidents. 

You can also face criminal charges for doing so, which can have long-lasting repercussions on your career. A recent report showed that nearly 30% of all traffic fatalities in the United States are caused by alcohol-impaired driving. 

Electric scooters are not as steady as standard motorcycles, which makes them harder to manage when intoxicated. 

Consequently, it is essential to always be a responsible and secure scooter rider and to steer clear of riding your electric scooter while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

7. Not considering the terrain

This is of the essence for scooter riders to take into consideration the terrain type before riding

This is of the essence for scooter riders to take into consideration the terrain type before riding. Riding on a rough or uneven surface can be significantly more dangerous than riding on a flat surface. 

Before starting a journey, riders should also check the brakes, tires, and other essential parts of the scooter to make sure they are in working condition. By doing this and understanding the terrain, electric scooter riders can reduce the risk of making mistakes while riding.

For example, a scooter on a smooth, flat surface will have less friction and will be able to move faster. On the other hand, riding on a rough surface with a lot of bumps or a steep incline can cause the scooter to slow down, lose balance, or even cause the rider to lose control. 

Additionally, riding on an uneven surface or a surface with a lot of loose gravel can cause the scooter to lose traction. Injuries can result when the scooter slips, skids, or falls over.

To make sure you have a safe and enjoyable experience while riding electric scooters, it’s important to remember common mistakes and avoid them. By being aware of these mistakes, you can actively prevent accidents and injuries. Remembering these mistakes is crucial to staying safe, so keep them in mind every time you ride.

Over To You!

Failing to comprehend the regulations of the highway and not inspecting the brakes of the scooter may lead to serious repercussions.

As per a 2019 study, 22% of electric scooter accidents occurred due to riders disregarding traffic regulations and 45% of electric scooter riders confessed to violations. 

The importance of following the rules of the road, wearing protective gear, and frequently checking your scooter’s condition can’t be overstated

Taking measures to safeguard electric scooters is now more important than ever, and we must take proactive steps to mitigate risks and prevent accidents. 

By placing a greater emphasis on safety and implementing practical measures to protect electric scooters, we can help to reduce the incidence of accidents and create a more secure environment for all road users.


Is there a legal age requirement for riding an electric scooter?

Yes, there is a legal age requirement for riding an electric scooter. In many countries, the minimum age for riding an electric scooter is 16 years old.

Is riding an electric scooter in a public area allowed?

It depends on the location. In some places, electric scooters are allowed on public roads, while in others they are not. It is essential to check local laws and regulations before riding an electric scooter in a public area.

What should I do if I get a flat tire while riding an electric scooter?

If you get a flat tire while riding an electric scooter, the best course of action is to find a safe place to pull over and dismount. Contact a nearby bike shop or electric scooter service center for assistance.

Can an electric scooter be overloaded?

Overloading an electric scooter could lead to the motor overheating and potentially failing. Overloading the scooter could also damage the battery and lead to poor performance. An e-scooter ride should be considered carefully before making this mistake.

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