Do Electric Scooters Use A Lot Of Electricity?

Whenever I see someone on an electric scooter, I can’t help but wonder whether or not they’re using a lot of electricity. Are they doing their part to reduce their carbon footprint? Or are they just hopping on a trendy new way to get around without thinking about the consequences? 

As the popularity of electric scooters grows, so does the concern over electricity consumption. I decided to do some research on the matter and figure out how much electricity an electric scooter uses. As I found out, they don’t use a lot of electricity as you may think.

So in this post, I’ll give you some insights into the amount of power electric scooters consume and also share energy conservation tips when using an electric scooter. Stay tuned to learn more!

Do electric scooters use a lot of electricity?

Electric scooters use a relatively small amount of electricity compared to other common household appliances. For example, a typical clothes washer uses about 1,500 watts or about 3 kWh of electricity per load. A dishwasher uses about 1,200 watts of power or about 2.4 kWh of electricity per load.

What is the average electricity consumption of electric scooters?

On average, scooters run on 200 to 400 watts of power. This means that a scooter powered by electricity uses about 1 to 2 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per day. For reference, the average household in the United States uses about 901 kWh of electricity per month or about 30 kWh per day.

To find out what electrical energy electric scooters use, we need to take a look at two things: 

1. The battery

2. The motor

It is the battery that provides power to the motor of an electric scooter. A lithium-ion battery or a lead-acid battery is most commonly used in electric scooters.

The most common type of battery used in electric scooters is the lead-acid battery. They are cheaper and easier to find than lithium-ion batteries but they are also heavier and not as efficient. 

A lead-acid battery electric scooter uses about 0.3 kWh of electricity per charge:

 lead-acid battery

Therefore, charging the scooter’s battery would cost you around $0.03.

The lithium-ion battery has a higher cost than the lead-acid battery, but it is lighter and more efficient. Most high-end electric scooters use lithium-ion batteries. 

A lithium-ion battery of an electric scooter uses 0.1 kWh of electricity per charge: This means that it would cost you about $0.01 to charge the scooter’s battery.

The motor is the second crucial component of an electric scooter. It’s what takes the power from the battery and turns it into motion. Electric scooters commonly have one of two types of motors: 

1. Brushed motors

2. Brushless motors

As you can see, electric scooters don’t use much electricity. They use less electricity than most other small electronic devices.

Are electric scooters energy-intensive?

No, electric scooters do not use a lot of energy. They are quite efficient compared to other modes of transportation. This reduces their electricity consumption. 

For example, a typical electric scooter uses approximately half as much energy as a car for the same distance traveled. Further, electric scooters don’t produce emissions, so they are much better for the environment.

How Efficient are Electric Scooters?

According to research by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the average electric scooter is about 78% efficient. This equates to about 20% efficiency of a typical car. In other words, an electric scooter uses four times less electricity than a car to travel the same distance.

The research also found that electric scooters emit about half the carbon dioxide of a car per passenger mile. This means that not only do electric scooters use less electricity, but they also produce less pollution.

A study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, found that electric scooters are much more energy-efficient than cars. In terms of emissions, they’re also considerably lower.

The study looked at six different types of vehicles — including conventional cars, e-bikes, and electric scooters and compared their energy efficiency and emissions. The findings showed that electric scooters are the most energy-efficient and lowest emitting option out of all the vehicles studied.

According to another study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL), electric scooters use around 0.15 kWh of electricity per mile traveled.

To put this into perspective, a standard light bulb uses about 0.06 kWh of electricity per hour. So if you’re riding your electric scooter for an hour, you’re using about as much electricity as a light bulb.

Of course, this number will vary depending on how fast you’re going and the terrain you’re traveling on. Going up a hill will use more electricity than going on flat terrain. And going faster will also use more electricity.

But overall, electric scooters are very efficient when it comes to their electricity usage. They’re about four times more efficient than cars!

So if you’re looking for a way to reduce your environmental footprint, an electric scooter is a great option. Not only will you save money on fuel, but you’ll also be doing your part to help the environment.

Do Electric Scooters Cost a Lot to Run?

Now that we know how efficient electric scooters are, let’s take a look at what amount they cost to run. 

To figure out the cost of running an electric scooter, we need to know two things:

  • The amount of electricity they use and
  • What does that electricity cost?

Electric scooters use about 250 watts of power, which is equivalent to 0.25 kilowatts. If we assume that the average price of electricity in the United States is $0.12 per kilowatt-hour, then it would cost about $0.03 to run an electric scooter for one hour.

So if you were to use your electric scooter for 30 minutes every day, it would cost about $0.45 per month in electricity. A cup of coffee costs less than that!

What is the environmental impact of electric scooters?

Electric scooters are considered eco-friendly for a few reasons. For starters, they don’t produce emissions like traditional gas-powered scooters or cars. They also don’t require the mining and drilling of fossil fuels to operate.

In addition, electric scooters often come with built-in solar panels that help charge the battery. This means that you can theoretically charge your scooter for free using solar power.

However, there is one big downside to electric scooters: they do use electricity. And depending on where that electricity comes from, it could be harming the environment rather than helping it.

For example, if the electricity used to run an electric scooter comes from a coal-fired power plant, then the scooter isn’t as eco-friendly as it could be. This is because coal-fired power plants release harmful emissions into the atmosphere, which can contribute to air pollution and climate change.

So if you’re worried about the environmental impact of electric scooters, make sure to check where your electricity comes from.

6 Tips for Reducing Electric Scooter Charging Costs

If you’re like most people, you’re probably looking for ways to save money on your electric scooter. Here are some ways to help you reduce the cost of charging your electric scooter:

1. Use a lower wattage charger:

Chargers that are rated for higher wattages will charge your battery faster, but they’ll also cost more to operate.

2. Charge during off-peak hours:

Charging your scooter during off-peak hours will also help to keep costs down. A nighttime charge of your electric scooter could lead to a 75% reduction in electricity costs.

3. Use a timer:

Many electric scooter chargers come with timers that allow you to set how long the charger will stay on. By using a timer, you can make sure that you’re only charging your scooter when you need to and avoiding unnecessary charges.

4. Keep an eye on the battery level:

Checking the battery level regularly will help you to avoid overcharging it and incurring additional costs. And only charge your battery when it’s nearly empty. This will help to prolong the life of your battery and save you money in the long run.

5. Consider solar power:

If you live in an area where there’s plenty of sunlight, solar power can be a great way to charge your electric scooter. Solar chargers are relatively inexpensive and can save you a lot of money over time.

6. Use a power strip:

Use a power strip

A power strip can help you save money if you charge your scooter in multiple locations. Power strips allow you to plug in multiple devices at once and can help you avoid having to pay for multiple chargers.

By following these, you can help to keep the cost of charging your electric scooter down. This will enable you to enjoy all the benefits that this mode of transport has to offer without breaking the bank.


Electric scooters do not use much electricity. They are much more efficient than cars and even bikes! These can help reduce traffic congestion and pollution. 

Not only do they save you time and money, but as an environmentally friendly and efficient way to get around town. With no emissions and minimal energy usage, electric scooters are a great choice for those looking to reduce their print.  

If we want our cities to become more sustainable, we must embrace electric vehicles. Are you ready to make the switch? I hope this post has given you some helpful information on the matter. Thanks for reading!

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