Does Riding An Electric Scooter Burn Calories? + Health Benefits!

It’s no secret that getting enough exercise is important for our overall health. Exercise can help improve our cardiovascular health, mental well-being, and even our waistlines.

So, does that mean that riding an electric scooter can help us burn calories and improve our health?

The answer is yes!  In fact, according to one study, riding an electric scooter for 30 minutes can burn up to 250 calories. So, if you’re looking for a fun and easy way to get some exercise, riding an electric scooter is a great option.

In this blog post, we will discuss how they can help you burn calories and improve your health. We’ll also share some tips on how to make the most of your scooter rides, so you can gain the most benefit from them.

Electric scooters are a great way to get around, but do they count as exercise?

That depends on how fast you’re going and how long you’re riding. A slow, leisurely ride around the block isn’t going to give you the same workout as a five-mile journey at top speed. Nevertheless, even a slow ride on an electric scooter can burn a few calories.

According to CalorieLab, a 155-pound person will burn approximately 113 calories by riding an electric scooter for 30 minutes at 3 mph. That number goes up to 226 calories when riding at 6 mph, and 339 calories when riding at 9 mph. So, if you’re looking to give your calorie-burning a boost, you’ll need to go faster!

Are There Any Health Gains To Riding An Electric Scooter Regularly?

4 health gains by riding an electric scooter.

You might not think that riding an electric scooter could have any health benefits. After all, isn’t it just a fun way to move around? While that’s certainly true, it turns out that there are some surprising health benefits to riding an electric scooter regularly.

1. Improved cardiovascular health – One of the most important benefits of riding an electric scooter is improved cardiovascular health. Riding an electric scooter stimulates your heart pumping and your blood flowing, which is great for your overall heart health. Regular electric scooter riding has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Increased lung capacity – Riding an electric scooter also increases lung capacity. Because you’re getting a good workout when you ride, your lungs can take in more oxygen. Breathing easier and improving your respiratory health can be achieved by doing this.

3. Better balance and coordination – When you ride an electric scooter, you will have better balance and coordination. This is because you have to be constantly making small adjustments to stay upright on the scooter. Over time, this can help to improve your overall balance and coordination.

4. Strengthened muscles – Riding an electric scooter regularly can also help to strengthen the muscles in your legs and core. You’re using these muscles a lot when you ride. As a result, regular riding can help to lead to stronger muscles all over your body.

How To Use Your Electric Scooter For Exercise?

Use Your Scooter as a Standing Desk

When you work from home, you probably spend a lot of time sitting down. This can be bad for your health, so try using your electric scooter as a standing desk instead! It’s a great way to get in some extra steps and increase your blood flow. Plus, it’s way more fun than sitting at a boring old desk all day!

Turn Your Scooter Rides Into a Workout

Get a great workout from your scooter rides

You can turn your electric scooter rides into a workout if you’re looking for a workout. You can do this by going for longer rides, or by riding at a higher speed. If you want to have a good workout, try combining both of these things.

Make It a Competition

Try turning it into a competition. See how many miles you can ride in a week, or see how long it takes you to commute from one point to another. You can even make a game out of it by seeing how many laps you can do around your block in a certain amount of time.

Can you lose weight by riding an electric scooter?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of weight you can lose by riding an electric scooter depends on a variety of factors, such as your weight and the speed at which you ride. Yet, if you use your electric scooter for exercise and ride at a higher speed, you are likely to lose weight


Electric scooters provide a fun, sustainable way to travel around town that also burns calories. You can burn up to 300 calories per hour while riding an electric scooter! That’s the equivalent of running three miles. 

So next time you need to run an errand or want to explore your city, ditch the car and jump on an electric scooter for a more enjoyable and calorie-burning experience.

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